Ten Nebula (The Trillionairess) is a Goddess Priestess, Reiki Master, Oracle, Channeler, Shamaness and Psychic healer. She creates works dedicated to The Great Mother Goddess and the light & love vibrations.
Ten Nebula Healing Space offers phone sessions, treatments, workshops, and trainings to help you to grow, heal, clear, expand and be happier. We also offer monthly specials, so check out our online calendar. We offer healng work to local and nationwide clients.
*Phone sessions
*Healing treatments
*Group workshops
*Group healings
*Private instruction
Visit for more details.
Private Treatments - www.TheSpiralofTheGoddess.blogspot.com
Workshops & Classes - http://tennebulahealingspace.blogspot.com
Ten Nebula Healing Space offers phone sessions, treatments, workshops, and trainings to help you to grow, heal, clear, expand and be happier. We also offer monthly specials, so check out our online calendar. We offer healng work to local and nationwide clients.
*Phone sessions
*Healing treatments
*Group workshops
*Group healings
*Private instruction
Visit for more details.
Private Treatments - www.TheSpiralofTheGoddess.blogspot.com
Workshops & Classes - http://tennebulahealingspace.blogspot.com